
Humble pie: Double whammy

I really think about what I put out there into the ether and I hope that it connects with people. I'm not saying it's always terrific stuff, but it's real and it's definitely me. So, when someone takes notice and says, "Hey, I think you're pretty neat," I'm nothing short of floored and deeply touched. Despite it being my goal, it doesn't mean I expect it to happen.

To that end, Noble Savage and Mommy Maria have both tagged me for two different writer's nods. Noble Savage for a writer's meme (originating from Linda at You’ve Got Your Hands Full) and Maria for an award (originating from The Scholastic Scribe).

And thank you. Both of you. It means a lot to me. I'm truly humbled.

First, the meme:

Which words do you use too much in your writing?

right?, vernacular, and fuck

Which words do you consider overused in stuff you read?

douchebag, at the end of the day, and mommy wars

What’s your favourite piece of writing by you?

I've recently found my stride, so I'd have to say anything I've written in the past 3 weeks.

Outside of that, it'd have to be either of these uplifting notes.

What blog post do you wish you’d written?

Wow. This is a really hard one. I've read thousands of posts and have thought a thousand times, "Holy shit, that was incredible. So thoughtful, so wise, so right on!"

If I have to choose just one, then I think it'd be this one by an anonymous poster. Even weeks after having read it I still think about it, am haunted by it, and talk about it to others. I could never have written it, never having had an abortion or done adoption, but I was deeply moved and she made me think about our current laws and society in a way I'd never thought of before.

Regrets, do you have a few? Is there anything you wish you hadn’t written?

I regret that for so many months I've tried to write about what other people might want to read. Ultimately, this is for me and for me to be truly authentic and original then I need to stay in that vein. If I'm thinking about Google trends or giveaways then I've lost myself entirely.

As far as an individual post goes, no. I don't regret anything.

How has your writing made a difference? What do you consider your most important piece of writing?'

I'm not really sure my writing's made any difference, but I hope that it sheds light on the microcosm of motherhood; what it's like to make such a drastic life change for the health and well-being of another. There is nothing quite like making the decision to forgo a career (no matter for how long) to nurture another human being. It's self sacrifice to the nth degree, therefore it's also indescribably difficult to maintain a sense of self. It'd be so easy to slip into a state of martyrdom and I hope that by talking openly about this that other men and women staying at home don't feel so alone. I know that reading others' tales has helped me immensely. I'm just trying to pay it forward.

A good friend of mine once spoke of my vaccination post and how it really helped her decide what to do. It was important to her, so I'll say that was an important post of mine, for sure.

Name three favorite words

precocious, lovely, sunshine

…And three words you’re not so keen on

douchebag, FAIL, and f#$!

Do you have a writing mentor, role model or inspiration?

My role models are writers such as the Noble Savage who pulls no punches and is wicked smart, yet warm like honey. How does she pull that off? I have no idea, but she does and I am definitely engaged and aspiring to be as passionate and powerful in my own opinions as she is. And Lesbian Dad, whose posts are nothing short of a delicious field trip into her world. Her insight, unique perspective, and mastery of the English language are, in my opinion, infallible.

I also aspire to be as open and honest as my friend Rayma who writes for her friends only. Her words are often luminous and I am inspired by her journey and her tales.

Lastly, my sister is an incredible observer of people and her words are like art tripping across a page: you get lost in their tumble.

What’s your writing ambition?

To be true to myself. To make connections. To shed light.

What is the best compliment you’ve ever gotten about your writing?

That it was real and smart. And this meme tag from NS and Scribbler Award from Maria.

The rules:
Please link to my original, then link to three to five other bloggers and pass it on, asking them to answer your questions and link to you. You can add, remove or change one question as you go. You absolutely do not have to be what you may think of as a “published” or “successful” writer to respond to this meme, I hope people can take the time to reflect on what their blogging has brought them and how it has been useful to others.

I’m tagging Baby in Broad, Cave Mother, and Chronicles of Momnia, and Wired for Noise, but feel free to do it even if you weren’t tagged.


Second, the award:

I’ve been awarded the Scholastic Scribe Award by Maria at Mommy Maria. Everyone should check out her blog. She's sharp as a tack, dry as Chianti, and funny as all hell. Her writing will transport you straight into her boisterous and lovable Greek-Canadian family and her "insane in the mundane" mental state. She's nothing short of terrific.

The award rules:

  1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass on the award to 5 deserving blogs.
  2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received the award.
  3. Each Superior Scribbler must display the award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains the award.
  4. Each blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor!
  5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
My choices for this award are different than my choices for the meme above. Without exception these ladies' writings are fun and honest; a peak into their lives with candor and a freshness unmatched elsewhere. They're not sugar coating anything, but yet you can still feel the love they experience each day in their posts. This isn't an easy thing to accomplish. A blog written by a mother is either too sappy sweet or it's all about how she's "...swapped out the milk with vodka tonight because I'm hard like that and I don't care, but I really do care, so don't judge". These ladies, on the other hand, have all struck that magical balance that I envy and strive for.

Check 'em out.

Loukia - Loulou's Views
Jill - Scary Mommy
Elisa - Diary of an Unlikely Housewife
Maria - Mommy Maria - even if she hadn't given me this award in the first place, I'd have picked her for this


  1. Gosh, that is a thought provoking meme. That is really hard, especially as it requires you to reveal so much of yourself, something that I find difficult. Thanks for tagging me - I shall ponder it, and see what happens. I read the article on adoption that you linked to. Powerful stuff, and I point of view I have NEVER considered before.

  2. Thank you so much, Jessica! I, too, strive to just put myself out there in hopes to connect with people. I'm really honored by what you wrote! Thank you!! :)

  3. I'm with you on hating 'FAIL' and 'at the end of the day.' Both set my teeth on edge. Nicely done meme!
