
7:57 am (WW): How I make my coffee sing


  1. I can't tell what they all are. LOL. Lavender? Poppy seeds? And...I have no guess. I like the red mug.

  2. I have this idea that I should give up my one daily cup of coffee. But maybe not EVERY daily cup of coffee. Maybe I should just not have coffee every day. But which days should be the coffee-less days??? And so I strive to keep myself to just the one cup.

    Like Marilyn, I have no idea what your secret ingredients may be. But they certainly look lovely!

  3. I live for my morning cup. :)

    I got your card at bloggy boot camp (not sure how I am just now making it to your blog. Surprised at how many blogs I havent been to yet.)

    Hi :)
