

So, sweet baby Jaxson is here and kicking and so far, everything is going really well.

This is his blog. I've also put a link to it in my right sidebar.

I shared with Sheree all your positive thoughts, prayers, and love over the last few weeks and she was so moved. This community rocks.


Meanwhile, I'm going to continue with my anemic posts of pictures and little commentary.

Peace out-


  1. Man, that is so good to hear. I will continue to keep them in my prayers... thanks for the link to his blog. :)

  2. Just popped in to say many thanks for the book it arrived this morning and brightened my morning up no end. Sending much love to Jaxson and family, I hope he'll be home with all those who love him soon x

  3. Thank you for updating us and linking. I was wondering how it went. I am continuing to keep Jaxson and Sheree in my thoughts.
